Kellogg School of Management | Groups

Minimum Information Requirements for Publishing a Club in KelloggGroups:

  1. Officer information (name, email address, role, etc.) must be published, current, and made available to the public.
  2. A “President” and “Treasurer” must both be assigned (check boxes located in the officers tab).
    1. Even if those positions in your club are called something different (ex. Chair or Finance Officer) you must have a person or people selected as one or both positions.
  3. Every club must have a mission statement.
    1. Located in the “Settings” on the home page.
  4. Every club must have at least one officer listed as a main contact.
    1. On the “Officers Page”, check the box marked “main contact” next to one or more club officers.
      1. This function works as a distribution list and will send any email written in the default “contact us” page on your group website to every officer with the “main contact” box checked.


Policies for Published Information:

  1. Both a club’s website and blog must be hosted through KelloggGroups. No external sites are permitted.
    1. Officers are responsible for monitoring any blog comments. You may disable comments in the “options” section if you choose.
  2. The “Pictures” and “Members” areas of you website must be password protected for group members only.
    1. Any pictures included on a public area of your site should be something the person or people in the photo wouldn't mind a recruiter seeing.
    2. No photos depicting alcohol consumption may be posted.
    3. Captions with student or significant others’ names should not be used in public areas.

 Remember that anything on the public part of the club website may be viewed by alumni and recruiters. Improper photos or content should be removed by the group’s officers. Violations will be subject to the Honor Code. If you have any doubts, make it private.


Policies for Club Membership:

  1. KelloggGroups is for the current Kellogg community only.
    1. The following groups are a part of the community and are permitted to join clubs:
      1. JDMBA’s can join as soon as they begin classes at the law school
      2. LLMK students
      3. JV’s and Significant Others
      4. Kellogg PhD students may join upon request
    2. Alumni, prospective students, recruiters, and the NU community at large may view the content of club web pages that is public, but may not be approved to join clubs/groups.
      1.  If you have alumni listed as current members of your group, please email the Full-Time or the Part-Time Program support team with your club/group name and they will be retired.
  2. Make sure to ask affiliation before validating persons without Kellogg email addresses.
    1. JV’s, Significant Others, LLMK’s and some JDMBA’s will need to be validated by a club officer to be given full system access.
      1. A club officer must be appointed to validate these accounts.           


Kellogg Club Online Payment Policy:

Procedure: The following procedure will be followed for all payments processed through KelloggGroups.

  1. Club leaders create an event on KelloggGroups and set the payment amounts.
  2. Once the event is published, attendees go through the event calendar, or use the registration link distributed by club leaders to register and pay for an event.
    1. Kellogg has a PayPal/PayFlow account which acts as the middle man, and is the company actually processing the payments
      1. All payments processed through this system are subject to a three (3) percent processing fee imposed by PayPal. Please note that all refunds are subject to an additional three (3) percent processing fee imposed by PayPal.
  3. All funds collected through KelloggGroups will be deposited into the club’s account with in two business days of the transaction.


  1.  Donations to Kellogg or other organizations are not permitted through this system.
  2. Events should not be open for registration/payments for more than two months; payments will be reconciled on a per event basis with the club treasurer.