Who We Are

At KTech, our mission is to empower Kellogg's community to become high-impact technology leaders by immersing students in the industry and providing them with the necessary skills for successful careers in tech. Hundreds of Kellogg alumni are leading the world's top tech companies, and KTech is excited to prepare the next wave of MBA students to join them.

Imagine a career at Amazon or Google, developing the product roadmap for the next billion-dollar idea. Picture a future at Apple or Facebook, launching global marketing campaigns for cutting-edge new products. Imagine working at Microsoft or Airbnb, implementing the operations strategy and driving data-driven improvements.

Kellogg is preparing students to become impassioned leaders and to inspire growth within the tech industry. Learn more about what makes us different, including our Interview Prep Groups and annual Tech Trek. If you have any questions please reach out to us at ktech-exec@kellogg.northwestern.edu.

Have questions? We'd love to help.


KTech by the #numbers



Club Members



Tech Companies



Workshops per year



Events per year


Top Tech Recruiters at Kellogg