The European Business Club (EBC) is committed to support European companies in the process of finding the right talent.
Companies all over the world recruit every year for summer internships and full-time positions. Some recruiting activities include on-campus company presentations, networking nights, coffee chats, interviews and online job postings.
EBC can help you get in contact with our members through our resume book or by posting jobs through our Newsletters.
Currently we have ~200 members that are subscribed to our newsletter. This members are full-time students from Europe or US students interested in working in Europe, they belong to a variety of programs ( 1Y, 2Y, MMM and exchange students) and are looking for both internships and full-time job opportunities.
If you have any questions regarding recruiting initiatives or want to share a job opportunity with the European Business Club, contact our Careers representatives (their contact information can be found in the about us tab) or email