
Kellogg graduates become part of a close-knit global network of alumni in principal investing, operating and other private equity related roles. The Kellogg Private Equity Club provides many opportunities for alumni to remain involved in the PE community at Kellogg through a number of alumni-driven events including speaker series, industry panels, and other educational events. In addition, the Club hosts an annual student/alumni networking reception to connect current students with industry professionals.

To join the Kellogg Private Equity Alumni LinkedIn page, please contact the VP or Director of Communications.

Breakfast Series

Several times throughout the academic year, a small group of Kellogg students and faculty meet with Chicago-based private equity firms over breakfast at their offices. This is a chance for professionals to share their expertise and firms with students who are interested in careers in the space.

Dinner Series

The Alumni Dinner Series is an application-based opportunity for students serious about roles in private equity after Kellogg to interact with industry professionals in a small group environment. Students commit to attending each dinner in the series, which typically occur during the winter and spring quarters. Alumni participants can attend multiple dinners or a single dinner throughout the series.

If you are interested in hosting a breakfast or dinner, please contact either of the Co-Presidents of the Kellogg Private Equity Club.

For further information on sponsoring a lab course, hosting a trek, speaking at Kellogg, hosting a breakfast, or other ways of getting involved, please visit the Heizer Center.