The purpose of ETA@Kellogg is to educate, equip, and inspire Kellogg MBA students to pursue Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition upon graduation or within 5 years of graduating from KSM through community, alumni, and professional support.
The purpose of ETA@Kellogg is to educate, equip, and inspire Kellogg MBA students to pursue Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition upon graduation or within 5 years of graduating from KSM through community, alumni, and professional support.
Active in the vibrant ETA community, regularly attending events, and contributing thought leadership.
Highly connected in the ETA ecosystem, both as entrepreneurs and investors
Drawing high-impact investors and former operators to campus to share their wisdom and insights.
Jan 21 | 12:15pm - 1:15pm
ETA Club hosts Mineola Search partners as they present Lessons from the Trenches: Managing Your Psychology, Energy, and Mental Health as an Acquisition Entrepreneur
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Jan 28 | 12:15pm - 1:15pm
Come hear from one of the great search success stories, Ryan Turk.
(Sign in to see the location)