Kellogg School of Management | Groups


At Kellogg, we know that students strive for academic achievement.  To provide students with the academic support they need to be successful in their core courses, the Academic Experience team manages the Kellogg Marketplace Tutoring Program. 

Through the Kellogg Tutoring Marketplace, individuals or groups of students from all of our degree programs can connect with tutors identified by the Dean’s Office and faculty as exceptionally qualified to supplement their learning in the classroom. 
Specifically, our Marketplace tutors can provide academic support for the following core quantitative courses*:
  • Accounting for Decision Making (ACCT-430)
  • Finance I (FINC-430)
  • Accelerated Corporate Finance (FINC-440)
  • Business Analytics I (DECS-430-5)
  • Business Analytics II (DECS-431)
  • Microeconomics (MECN-430)
  • Operations (OPNS-430)
Tutors accept tutoring engagements at will, and the rest -- pay rate, group size, logistics – is negotiated directly between the tutor and tutee(s). 

Click on the subject tabs to find a tutor for a specific course, or the "Tutors (all)" page to view the complete list of Kellogg Marketplace tutors.

*MSMS Students: Please note MSMS classes end with the letter M but the course is equivalent (e.g., ACCT-430 = ACCTM-430).