The Hispanic Management Association (HMA) is a student-run organization whose mission is to develop Kellogg's Hispanic community and to empower its members to achieve their full professional and social potential so that they may become leaders of both business and community.

The benefits and services provided by student groups are available to all Kellogg students without regard to any category protected by the law. Kellogg believes different perspectives, experiences and backgrounds are critical to a dynamic and vibrant university community, and as such all Kellogg students are welcome and encouraged to join each group.


Our Focus


Build Community

Foster a sense of community and a supportive environment for Hispanic students at Kellogg


Professional Development

Support the career aspirations of our members through mentoring, workshops, and events with corporate partners


Promote Diversity

Increase enrollment of Hispanic MBA candidates at Kellogg to improve diversity within the leadership ranks of corporate America


Give Back

Provide support to Hispanic prospective students, Hispanic-owned businesses, and community organizations