Full-time Clubs - Social
Website Mission
Contact: Email group officers
Mission To empower Kellogg community members to take control of their personal wellness, by offering programs and sharing information that cultivate mind, body, and soul.Life at Kellogg is busy AF and finding time for everything – class, group projects, recruiting, independents projects and labs, clubs and social fun – is a near-impossible challenge. There are too many things to do and not enough time. And, a majority of us consistently de-prioritize "me" time and time for personal goals like staying healthy, eating right, reflecting and meditating. As a result, we tend to feel dissatisfied about our current wellness routine and habits, and cite it as an area we wish we prioritized more often…. So - welcome to The Wellness Club. We believe that wellness sits at the foundation of our potential. And, we are here to help you reclaim "me" time, prioritize you, and cultivate wellness while at Kellogg. As defined to the KSA, our mission is to: Empower Kellogg community members to take control of their personal wellness, by offering programs and sharing information that cultivate mind, body, and soul.
Membership Benefits
Will end at Graduation