Connect. Support. Champion.

The Women's Business Association is an organization that strives to facilitate and support the academic, professional, philanthropic, and social development of women in the Kellogg Part-Time MBA Program. The WBA is committed to working with students, faculty, administrators, alumnae and the greater business community to create opportunities for women in business.

Our Mission

We exist to:

Inspire the members of the WBA to maximize their experiences at Kellogg and thrive as future global business leaders.

Grow connections across the community of the WBA and its advocates (past, present, and future).

Serve as the voice for women of Kellogg, analyzing feedback and identifying enhancement opportunities within the Kellogg community.

The benefits and services provided by student groups are available to all Kellogg students without regard to any category protected by the law. Kellogg believes different perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds are critical to a dynamic and vibrant university community, and as such all Kellogg students are welcome and encouraged to join each group.

Four Areas of Impact





(Above) Evening & Weekend students at the Global Women's Summit in May, 2018.