Full-time Clubs - Affinity/ Mosaic
Website Mission
Contact: Email group officers
Mission <b>MISSION</b> <p>The Mission of the Kellogg Black Management Association is to develop Black leaders within the community through professional and personal initiatives that create a supportive environment; enhance career development; and attract top talent. We also utilize our active membership, extensive alumni base, and rich history, to support the development, network, and community of our members.</p><b>GOALS</b><ul style="margin-left: 30px"><li>Foster an environment amongst the BMA community that encourages empowerment, teamwork, leadership, academic excellence, and immersion in the greater Kellogg community; </li><li>Execute high-quality, enlightening programs and events that strengthen the BMA Community and build the BMA brand; </li><li>Partner with the Admissions Office to continually increase the number of African-Americans and people of African descent enrolling in Kellogg; </li><li>Provide tools and resources to prepare students for the career search, planning and advancement process during and beyond Kellogg; </li><li>Build a support system for our membership throughout their time at Kellogg and the rest of their professional careers; </li><li>Represent the concerns of the BMA Community to Faculty & Staff to refine the Kellogg experience for all parties involved and gather feedback from membership to continuously improve processes; </li><li>Develop networking opportunities for the BMA Community through alliances with internal groups, greater Chicagoland groups, and peer Business School groups; </li><li>Utilize and develop Kellogg Black Alumni Association to provide additional opportunities for interaction between current students and Alumni and among the Alumni community itself. </li><li>Further strengthening our relationships with TMP and EMP students of African descent. </li></ul>
Membership Benefits
Will end at Graduation