Healthcare at Kellogg (HCAK)

Program on Healthcare at Kellogg (HCAK)

Led by Professor Craig Garthwaite, the Program on Healthcare at Kellogg (HCAK) is designed for students interested in becoming well-rounded strategic leaders in the healthcare sector. Learn more about the program here.


Healthcare at Kelloggbuilds upon the rigorous MBA core curriculum to give students an in-depth, cross-disciplinary study of complex problems of an evolving healthcare sector. What sets the program apart is our unique healthcare management MBA pathway. Students follow a curated progression of faculty-recommended courses designed to provide a deeper, more holistic understanding of healthcare as it relates to intersecting industries, such as finance, public policy and economics. Learn more about the healthcare curriculum and student experience here.

Renowned professors

Healthcare at Kellogg is led by a group of renowned professors who are proven experts in the business, economics and policy of healthcare. Together, they conduct research and design courses around the most relevant, challenging topics business leaders and practitioners face in today's market. Read more about faculty research and thought leadership here.