Welcome to Kellogg's Corporate Finance Club!

Kellogg is a premier global business school with outstanding finance faculty and students.

Our focus is building leaders with exceptional skills in strategic finance. Kellogg pairs quantitative finance with strategic intuition and vision to develop leaders who can successfully lead the enterprise of tomorrow.

The Kellogg Corporate Finance Club contributes to this vision by connecting students and faculty to companies and alumni across a wide spectrum of industries. This fusion of the academic world and corporate finance practitioners allows us to have conversations at the frontier of the finance discipline.

Our mission is to:

  • Educate Kellogg students on the role of corporate finance within businesses and potential career paths available in the field
  • Provide recruiting support for students interested in corporate finance jobs
  • Connect corporate sponsors and recruiters to the diverse and rich Kellogg finance community
  • Advance the global reputation of Kellogg as a premier finance institution

If you have any question, feel free to reach out to us any time.