Welcome to the Africa Business Club

Our vision is to ignite a passion for Africa as a hub of innovation and excellence in global business. By embracing our core values: (1) African Excellence, (2) Disruptive Thinking, (3) Collective Prosperity, (4) Authentic Identity, (5) Upbeat Energy, we aim to elevate the presence of Africa at Kellogg and empower a new generation of KELLOGG LEADERS who will drive progress and prosperity on the continent and beyond.

Our Values

African Excellence

Disruptive Thinking

Collective Prosperity

Authentic Identity

Africa is the Future - TK

  • LeTia Green-Tettey
    VP, Incoming & Prospective Students Email
  • Reuben Aniekwu
    Co-Chair, Signature Events Email
  • Nicole Rogers
    Co-Chair, Signature Events Email
  • Wisdom Akakpo
    Co-President Email
  • Akua Serwaa-Sefa
    Co-President Email

For more information reach out to any ABC team member of  abc@kellogg.northwestern.edu

